Promoting social, cultural, and economic progress

Join us in fostering relief, education and health programs for communities.


Relief Efforts

Providing food, shelter & medicine.
Sudan is at risk of slipping into a hunger catastrophe as war rages across the country. United Nations estimated millions of people were displaced and in need of food, shelter, and medicine. With donations to the Darfur Diaspora Association, you can help deliver lifesaving food support to children and families in need. 100% of the donated money will go to the relief effort. Darfur Diaspora Association is working with Adeela For Culture And Arts based in Khartoum to provide relief services in many parts of Sudan. Please donate to the Darfur Diaspora Association by clicking the ‘Donate’ link.


Human Rights Violations

Ensuring the protection of fundamental rights.
 We are witnessing all sorts of violations of basic human rights in Sudan. Indiscriminate shelling of private and public areas, torture, beatings, looting of private and public properties, and mass graves. Most alarming are the documented cases of gender-based violence cases including sexual violence against women and girls.


Conflict Resolution

Promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
We are advocating for a ceasefire to ensure that humanitarian works can safely reach children and families with urgent health, nutrition, protection, and education services.

Our Impactful Solutions


 Providing Nutrition 

Running communal kitchens in multiple regions of the Sudan. Community kitchens offer free or low-cost meals to people who are experiencing food insecurity due to the current crisis in Sudan. These meals maybe served on-site or distributing raw ingredients bought in bulk.


Providing Health services

Supporting local clinics and neighbourhood pharmacies for the displaced people


Providing Education

In past project, Darfur Diaspora Association built classrooms in many communities across the country. Currently our focus is to provide the immediate necessities of food, shelter, and medicine.

Our current Programs 

Communal Kitchen and Medical Clinic: In collaboration with Sudan Solidarity Collective, Darfur Diaspora Association started multiple projects supporting communities in multiple regions of the country by sponsoring community kitchens and medical clinics. The total amount allocated to the 3 projects is over $40,000 dollars. We are counting for your additional support to continue providing support for those in need. Please donate by clicking the ‘Donate’ button.

* Khartoum & OmdurmanDarfur.
* Kasala & Port Sudan.
* Home Clinic and Neighborhood Pharmacy in Khartoum.

Make a Difference

Join us in creating a positive impact on the lives of those in need

Inspiring Stories

In 2003, a war started in the Darfur region of Sudan which led to a humanitarian crisis causing millions to flee their villages to internally displaced camps in the neighboring towns and some to the neighboring countries. That prompted members of the Darfur Community in Canada to establish the Darfur Diaspora Association to bring awareness to the internal community about the crisis. The Darfur Diaspora Association evolved to become a charity in 2007 and ran its first project helping women in the IDP camp to learn tailoring and handcrafting skills. Since then, many projects have been completed building classrooms, school supplies for IDP children, and food distribution programs. We need your support to continue providing help for the people in need. Please donate by clicking the ‘Donate’ button above.


Learn how our education initiative provided hope and transformed a young girl’s life in Darfur.


Discover the power of community and how it helped a village rebuild after a devastating natural disaster.

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