Our Impactful Solutions
* Khartoum & OmdurmanDarfur.
* Kasala & Port Sudan.
* Home Clinic and Neighborhood Pharmacy in Khartoum.
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Inspiring Stories
In 2003, a war started in the Darfur region of Sudan which led to a humanitarian crisis causing millions to flee their villages to internally displaced camps in the neighboring towns and some to the neighboring countries. That prompted members of the Darfur Community in Canada to establish the Darfur Diaspora Association to bring awareness to the internal community about the crisis. The Darfur Diaspora Association evolved to become a charity in 2007 and ran its first project helping women in the IDP camp to learn tailoring and handcrafting skills. Since then, many projects have been completed building classrooms, school supplies for IDP children, and food distribution programs. We need your support to continue providing help for the people in need. Please donate by clicking the ‘Donate’ button above.